My soul has dwelt too long among haters of peace. I embody peace, and though I talk til I am blue in the face, they insist on war.

Listen to this beautiful and haunting musical setting of Psalm 120 - A Song of Degrees Music by Tzvi Avni . I learned this piece in 1988 from Professor Avni at the Zimriyah in Jerusalem. Some Thoughts I shared with my colleague Rabbi Mark Novak, from Washington DC's Minyan Oneg Shabbat. I'm Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn. I'm the regional rabbi for the Israeli Reform Movement in the South of Israel, in the Arava, in the Hevel Eilot region, which is near Eilat... In Israel, "the south," actually, is not where I live. I live so far south that... we're beyond the south . The south is where the... is the area around Gaza where the war was. We live another two hours south of there, near Eilat. It's a very quiet place on the Jordanian border . What can I tell you about what happened on the 7 th of October? We had a wonderful Simcha Torah service on Friday night . And dancing in the Sukkah with our Torah scrolls, followed by a wonderful communal dinner...